Why I started out blogging and freelance as a Strategist?
These last 10 years have been incredibly fulfilling and fun as I have worked with some great suits, creatives, and clients but despite moving across different agencies, there are repetitive issues that stem from the industry.
1. Rinse & Repeat Briefs
These are annual projects that clients do every year without fail and doesn’t seem to be progressing. Whether it be about the brand equity or product sales, clients just seem to Ctrl C + Ctrl V their briefs without any context or learnings from previous projects. Such as waste of money and effort.
2. Race To The Bottom Pitching Processes
With such a challenging and exciting process that comes with pitching, some of the most creative, left-field, and engaging ideas get produced, crafted, and decked-up but that isn’t what clients are ultimately looking for. They are looking for discounts, bonuses, and every other thing they can squeeze from agencies causing the Big Idea to be sacrificed for the profit margin.
3. Identity Lacking Agencies
Despite there being a number of network and independent agencies, only a few have a distinct positive culture through that can be shown through their work, up-skilling, and thought-leadership. No matter where you go, you never know where you are.
So from these reasons came blogging and freelancing. I am looking at it as a way to express my views about the industry as well as some of my passions to get my creative juices flowing for other clients but most importantly for myself.
Lets see how this goes!
Shoutout to my tech friend, Tim!